
How To Use Himalayan Salt Lamp

Over the past few years, Himalayan common salt lamps have become very pop. More and more people are using them to decorate their homes or offices but not only as ornamentation just also what they can offer to health.

The Himalayan table salt lamp is also known as the salt rock lamp. This product is handcrafted using pure blocks of Himalayan pink salt from undercover mines in Pakistan. In general, they are pink salt crystals which are subsequently cutting to give information technology a detail shape and are drilled at the bottom to place a lite bulb inside. The lighting originated is amber.

Himalayan Salt Lamps Origin

Many people genuinely believe that these lamps offering wellness benefits by placing them indoors. Many other people do not fully believe in them.

Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Actually Work?

In that location is a belief that a pinkish Himalayan table salt lamp provides diverse health benefits when placed within a home. It is scientifically proven, through multiple studies, that these lamps offering health benefits.

Himalayan Salt Close Up

Some scientists assume that this pink salt is fabricated upwards of the remains of the beginning sea. When the seedling heats information technology, information technology absorbs h2o molecules from the air and so releases them as h2o vapor to purify the air.

Many scientific studies take determined that this salt crystal lamp emits negative ions both 24-hour interval and night. These ions stick to positive ions in the air in society to bring balance to the surround and do good people's wellness. Negative ions are used in many treatments to reduce Pitiful (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and chronic low. However, there is no evidence that those generated by the lamp accept the desired upshot.

It should exist noted that this theory is not 100% consolidated. So far, it has just been verified that the negative ion production chapters of a Himalayan salt lamp is not high. That does not mean that it is not capable of purifying the air, but still, at that place are negative ion generating machines that accept more than ability.

A study claims that negative ions emitted from these Himalayan table salt lamps can aid decrease depression, although not significantly.

Many people call up that pink salt helps remove dust particles through negative ions to preclude them from affecting your health and that of your family. Other people confirm that these lamps tin even better slumber and moods.

These blocks of pure salt practise not offer absolutely all the benefits that people suppose since multiple scientific tests have debunked those theories or myths. But likewise, they provide various benefits.

Himalayan Salt Lamp Collection

What are the Benefits of a Himalayan Common salt Lamp?

It is truthful that some of the benefits discussed past people are not supported past science and can exist considered as myths. Yet, sure aspects that can positively influence the wellness and listen of a person at habitation or in an office.

If we talk nigh the virtually apparent benefits, nosotros can highlight the attractive style that these lamps offer thanks to their warm and subdued color. Besides, it creates a relaxing environs for the comfort of family members.

Now, if we take into account the benefits that straight and indirectly influence health, nosotros tin consider the post-obit:

Air Purification

That is the best-known benefit of Himalayan common salt lamps and is one of the reasons why people determine to purchase it. During the process, they help remove dust, cigarette smoke, and pollutants from the air.

The purification is carried out thanks to the hygroscopy. That is, it attracts and absorbs water molecules scattered through the air, just similar any unwanted particle contained in them. Then, when the lite bulb heats upwards, those water molecules evaporate into the air while the common salt is responsible for retaining dust particles, smoke, and more than.

Emission of Negative Ions

The positive ions negatively influence the cilia of our trachea, making them slower. In this fashion, their defenses will decrease, and they will not be able to keep abroad the contaminating particles that arroyo the lungs. These ions are abundant in every abode and are generally present, most of all, in electronic devices.

In these cases, the negative ions produced by a pink Himalayan common salt lamp take on greater importance. That occurs when the lamp bulb heats upwardly and performs the in a higher place-mentioned hygroscopic process.

During hygroscopy, the pink salt absorbs water, airborne particles, and fifty-fifty positive ions. When h2o vapor is released, information technology also expels negative ions that fight against the effect of positive ones, benefiting our health.

Sleep Improvement

Sleep Improvement Caused by Himalayan Salt Lamps

Positive ions, on many occasions, reduce the supply of oxygen and blood that reaches our brain, causing irregular situations at bedtime.

As we said earlier, Himalayan table salt lamps are natural negative ion generators that counteract this problem. It should be noted that a salt crystal lamp does not generate too many negative ions as a generating machine would. Even so, it helps to go along the air clean and fight positive ions so y'all tin can sleep more peacefully.

Allergy Reduction

Allergy Reduction Caused by Himalayan Salt Lamp

When the common salt carries out the hygroscopic procedure, information technology attracts all the particles exposed in the air, such as dust, fungi, fume, and other contaminants. These particles are eliminated past sticking to the pinkish common salt of the lamp. That volition help allergy sufferers or people with asthma.

Neutralization of Electromagnetic Waves

Many people are unaware of the adverse effects of being exposed to high or low-frequency electromagnetic waves.

Electromagnetic radiations can induce thermal and athermic effects in humans, causing biological changes. Sometimes they cause headaches, indisposition, depression, and more.

Although the electronic devices in our homes exercise non generate electromagnetic waves at extremely high frequencies, it is good to forbid them. Table salt lamps are responsible for neutralizing them. It is recommended that you place these lamps near electronic devices.

Improve Mood

Better mood caused by Himalayan Salt Lamps

All the mentioned benefits are related to the production of negative ions to command or neutralize the positive ions. That is non the exception.

Positive ions touch on the circulation of oxygen to the brain and other organs. Therefore, negative ones help to release serotonin (neurotransmitter), known as the hormone of happiness, to improve our mood.

Good Free energy Transmission

Good Energy Transmission Due to the Effects of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Feng Shui specialists recommend these products as they work as harmonizers of the surroundings to clean the bad vibes and energies contained in the home. In addition, they have an additional issue that works to relax tensions and create a pleasant environment.

Other benefits offered by these lamps are their function as an ecological light source, the reduction of static electricity in the air, or treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder (Distressing).

What Does a Common salt Lamp Practice?

What are the effects of Himalayan Salt Lamps?

A common salt rock lamp has become a good investment for most homes. Its beautiful structure and craftsmanship give your habitation an elegant look.

The lesser of this cute pink table salt crystal is perforated to insert a light seedling within. Turning it on provides subdued lighting with a pinkish and amber colour. This simple look offers a relaxing environment, whether you are resting, reading, or sleeping.

One of its functions is to ionize the air. That means they use the hygroscopic cycle to attract positive particles and ions into the air and stick them to the pink salt. From at that place, they begin to generate negative ions that provide a keen balance to the surround of a home or office.

As we explained in the previous point. Salt lamps are known for their health benefits, thank you to the negative ions generated. So, apart from providing an bonny and elegant blueprint, what do common salt lamps do? They are responsible for:

  • Meliorate slumber quality.
  • Provide positive free energy in the domicile.
  • Purify the air.
  • Benefit the body'southward circulatory, nervous, and respiratory systems.
  • Reduce allergies.
  • Avert stress.
  • Subtract depression.
  • Improve concentration.

If you tin, buy more than one Himalayan salt lamp so that the positive effects are even more significant.

Tin can You Leave a Himalayan Salt Lamp on All Night?

Can you leave a Himalayan Salt Lamp on all night?

With all the benefits these lamps offer, the answer is a resounding yep. Y'all should not worry about leaving it on every bit information technology is very safe. You just need to make sure that your Himalaya salt lamp has a UL-certified switch to forbid whatsoever fire. Anyhow, don't worry too much as these lamps employ low voltage light bulbs so they won't overheat.

These products are not advanced engineering, so they exercise not overexert themselves. So information technology doesn't matter if you leave them on overnight. It is recommended to leave the seedling on so that you lot tin take amend advantage of the benefits that these lamps provide for almost of the fourth dimension.

You lot exercise non have to worry almost the electricity bill in your business firm either since you can configure information technology to dim the light and reduce electricity consumption. Dimming the lighting volition give a amend feeling similar a night light.

Some other essential aspect you lot can consider to keep the light on all night is that its lighting can relax you lot when you are in bed. The dim light from this common salt lamp will help calm you when you're stressed, allowing you to autumn asleep peacefully.

It is also true that many people practise non like to sleep when they have light in their room, regardless of whether it is dim. In those cases, you could plough it off when you become to sleep, although you may get used to it due to its warm amber glow. If the lamp is placed in a child'southward room, then with more reason, you should exit it on as they tend to be scared of the dark.

Himalayan Salt Lamps Collection

Can Y'all Put Essential Oils Direct on a Himalayan Salt Lamp?

Can You Put Essential Oils Directly on a Himalayan Salt Lamp?

The great variety of uses and benefits that Himalayan salt lamps give us is incredible. Placing essential oils in these lamps is another of the well-nigh curious aspects of these objects.

You can pour the oil into a salt lamp directly. The heat will lengthened it throughout the room past acting equally a salty air diffuser.

These oils will give a fresh aroma when lighting the lamp. However, you lot should be aware that the oil will not deliquesce in the table salt due to specific properties. Today, in that location are special Himalayan common salt lamps for aromatherapy, which come with a glass or metallic container where you should cascade the oil drops.

You take already seen how these wonderful blocks of pinkish table salt can be used to illuminate a place and give an aromatic olfactory property depending on the essential oil of your preference.

Recommended Oils

There is a wide variety of essential oils that can be poured into a salt lamp to provide a unlike aroma and benefit.

  • Basil: It works every bit an antidepressant and besides helps to at-home migraines and mental fatigue. This aroma is perfect for falling asleep.
  • Musk: This oil acts equally a harmonizer and purifier.
  • Bergamot: Information technology is a good option confronting anxiety, tension, and low. As well, it is characterized past raising the mood of a person and, likewise, it tin function as an insect repellent.
  • Cinnamon: Its aroma relieves nervous tension and tiredness.
  • Kokosnoot: This essential oil works well confronting sadness and low.
  • Eucalyptus: It offers breathing benefits and too works as an insect repeller.
  • Incense: This oil has a scent that drives away bad emotions and vibrates and attracts good free energy.
  • Lemon: Autonomously from an insect repellent, it likewise refreshes rooms and stimulates the mind.
  • Tangerine: This essential oil has multiple benefits since it acts equally an antidepressant, antispasmodic, sedative, and controls nervous tension.
  • Rosemary: It stimulates the listen and relieves tiredness. Too, it is a adept moth repellent.
  • Sage: This scent helps calm anxiety and decrease fatigue and tension. It is an excellent option to fall comatose.
  • Thyme: It acts as a powerful antiseptic.

Where is the All-time Place to Put a Salt Lamp?

A salt lamp does not always have to exist in a specific place. There are many places where you tin can place them then that they provide all their benefits. Nevertheless, there are certain places where you can take better reward of the properties of the lamps than in others.

Some of the spaces where you tin can place your salt crystal lamp are:

The Rooms of the House

Your room is the place where you may want to place your salt lamp since it is the infinite where you lot can relax and rest. You can put it on the nightstand side by side to your bed. It volition not carp you lot considering the light is very dim. Y'all volition get fresh air throughout the room, and y'all will be able to sleep comfortably.

Similarly, your kid's room is likewise an important identify to consider. Children, especially at a immature age, tend to be agape of the dark and, therefore, always want to sleep with the light on. A salt lamp is an excellent selection for your child to fall asleep apace without fear. Besides, they are beneficial to control your child's allergies, in case he or she is allergic.

Living Room

Placing a pinkish Himalayan salt lamp in the living room is a great thought every bit it is the identify where you spend the well-nigh time with your family. It will not only provide a warm environment merely will also assistance reduce the furnishings of electromagnetic radiation created by electronic devices.

Himalayan Salt Lamp in the Living Room


An function or workspace is the second place where you surely spend more than time. A salt lampwill purify the air and give yous benefits to avert the stress that your work can generate. Similarly, in these types of places, the employ of computers and other electronic devices is widespread. In add-on, your mood will rise, and you will have the necessary energy to acquit out your tasks finer and efficiently.

Himalayan Salt Lamp in the Office

Massage Rooms or Spa

People go to these places to relax, release tension, and get rid of stress. These spaces are ideal for placing your salt rock lamp. You can put it in the antechamber or in the rooms where the treatments are carried out.

Himalayan Salt lamp in Spas

Restaurants and Hotels

A Himalayan table salt lamp volition offer a cozy temper and a relaxing aroma in the waiting areas of a hotel or restaurant. Plus, it provides elegant decor and perfect lighting while people wait for their turn.

Himalayan Salt Lamps in Hotels & Restaurants

How Exercise I Know if My Himalayan Salt Lamp is Real?

In that location is a wide market for these lamps, and, unremarkably, in that location are scammers who want to deceive y'all by selling y'all something non genuine. If you don't know well about these blocks of pure common salt, and so you may be scammed. Therefore, below you will come across a serial of aspects that y'all must find to determine the authenticity of the lamp.


Before buying a Himalayan table salt lamp, be sure to read at the bottom of it or its package to determine that the place of origin is Islamic republic of pakistan.

Himalayan Salt Origin

If that lamp indicates some other origin, then it is not authentic. The nigh recommended thing is that you purchase your lamp from recognized companies since there are sellers with little credibility who tin ensure that their products come from Pakistan.


These lamps generally emit dim, warm lights. If your pink Himalayan salt lamp has powerful lighting, then it is almost likely fake. Also, some other attribute that betrays a fake lamp is the uniform light through information technology.

Colour Shades

The pink common salt crystals accept colors ranging from pink to orange or bister. If your lamp has these colors just too has white stripes, then perhaps that stone is imitation.


Real Himalayan salt lamps are generally hard but fragile. However, a imitation pink table salt stone is much more than durable.


Autonomously from the shades mentioned in a higher place (pink, orange, or bister), in that location is also the white salt lamp that originated from a type of salt from white saline crystals. It is very rare, and its price is very high.

Regardless of color, all table salt lamps are expensive (particularly white ones). If someone offers you i of these products at affordable prices, then you should be suspicious.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

How Practice Y'all Have Care of a Table salt Lamp?

A pink salt lamp is a cute object which you will want to take not bad care of so that it has the longest possible life.

With the post-obit tips, y'all can continue your lamp in expert condition for a long time.

  • Information technology is recommended that yous leave the lamp on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That volition prevent information technology from starting to sweat.
  • You should make clean your Himalayan salt lamp periodically with a damp cloth. Before that, turn off and unplug the lamp. Brand sure it is not as well moisture because it could dissolve the common salt. And so dry it with a dry out microfiber cloth.
  • Place your salt lamp in places with low humidity to prevent information technology from melting. That occurs due to the hygroscopic properties of the salt.
  • Use a suitable seedling for your lamp. The most recommended is one between x W and 15 W.

In summary, you can forestall your lamp from accumulating humidity past keeping it on every 24-hour interval for as many hours every bit possible.

Practice Table salt Lamps Really Help With Anxiety?

Himalayan Salt Lamps can help reduce anxiety

Feet is a problem that many people present in stressful situations either when taking a test, speaking in public, or presenting themselves in an important interview. An feet attack tin can affect your overall health and quality of life.

Himalayan common salt lamps are a natural remedy to reduce anxiety. The dim light from these lamps helps to relax. Quite the contrary occurs when you are exposed to lighting with high intensity, which can stress you out and brand you very anxious.

The positive ions produced by the technological artifacts around us can cause paralyzing anxiety and apprehension in us. Salt rock lamps counteract these effects by generating negative ions that fight confronting positive ones.

These negative ions provide you with many health benefits, requite you more energy, and increase the menstruation of oxygen and claret to your encephalon.

With a salt lamp, you volition be free of anxiety, and you will exist able to fall comatose without worries.


Himalayan salt lamps volition non just give your domicile or office an attractive design, but y'all can likewise be in a identify where you volition exist healthy. You will not have to worry about polluting particles in the air or the negative effects of electromagnetic waves from technological devices. Your health will be comforted thank you to the backdrop of Pakistan's pink common salt.

Himalayan Salt Lamps Collection

How To Use Himalayan Salt Lamp,


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