
How To Use Seismic Charge Elite Dangerous

Surface Deposit Mining

Surface Deposits are spots that can be targeted on the surface of the asteroid. These surface deposits must be hit with an Abrasion Laser (different that a Mining Laser) that removes the deposit from the surface to be picked up. Surface deposits happen on asteroids both exploded, every bit with Cadre Mining, or unexploded, as with laser or Subsurface Mining.

The Hardpoint placement of your Abrasion Blaster is important and volition affect how you lot line up your targeting. You'll as well want to brand sure that you take enough pips to weapons to keep it charged. Your Abrasion Blaster can too kill your limpets. Not a common consequence, but can happen.

Subsurface Deposit Mining

This is where y'all fire a special drilling missile into a small opening on the asteroid.

Arguably the hardest form of mining, and also arguably the near rewarding. To be efficient you'll likely have to exercise many things at once. You'll demand to try and match the rotation of the asteroid (ones that take no or irksome rotation are much easier), you'll need to have good aim and targeting to hit a small moving spot (Hardpoint placement matters here).

The below is an example of a Tritium Subsurface Eolith that volition require the Displacement Missile to exploit.

If washed correctly then y'all become to move on to the missile 'drilling' into the asteroid as yous hold the fire button. The mechanic here is you concord downward your fire button and release the burn down push button in one case you wish to detonate the explosive. A line travels from left to right, indicating the drilling effect of the missile. Blue areas tick by from right to left. The blue areas represent where fragments will be produced. The trick is to release the fire button and so that the moving line (moving from left to right) matches up vertically with a blueish area (moving from right to left). When this occurs y'all go fragments.

In low density areas it is common to release too late, since the line (or the drilling) speeds up. In high density areas it is common to release also early. You lot have anywhere from six-10ish shots with these

Core Mining

Core mining is when you lot use Seismic Charges strategically planted on exposed Fissures, revealed by Prospector Limpets. As mentioned before there is currently just one blazon of asteroid shape that volition allow for Core Mining.

Fissures are cracks in the asteroid. If charges are placed correctly the asteroid volition explode with many fragments, and many more surface deposits to shoot off with your Chafe Blaster. The mechanic with Core Mining is how long to concord down the fire button as this charges the strength of the warhead, and which force of Fissures to fire at.

You have different strengths of warheads that you control, and unlike strengths of Fissures that are inherent to the asteroid and discovered by the Prospector Limpet. The system of Crevice Strengths and placements seems to be random. Also, once a warhead attaches to the asteroid you lot accept a timer that starts giving you lot 120 seconds, or 2 minutes. For new players than can feel unnerving. Relax. You have more than enough fourth dimension. When you get the hand of it then yous'll detect you take too much time and will proactively detonate the charges.

You showtime must observe a Core asteroid with the eolith you want. This is done with the Pulse Wave Scanner.

And then you burn down Prospector Limpets to scan the asteroid.

Once the Prospector Limpet engages yous'll become a reading on your asteroid. Observe the bottom left hand area of the screenshot below. It indicates a Core is Detected and that it is Low Temperature Diamonds in this case.

The skill mechanic here is like hitting the optimal yield blue area with Subsurface Mining. It seems in Elite Dangerous blueish things are goals and means optimal. As you place Seismic Charges a chart in the upper right corner volition show you the yield output. If too low yous won't scissure the asteroid which equals zero fragments. If you go too high into the ruby, you'll scissure the asteroid but get around 30% of what you lot should. If you hit the blueish area then yous have hit the Optimal Yield and volition obtain the nigh fragments and surface deposits.


We need another accuse at least to go it into the blue like below. You can see a few red dots. This is okay, so long as information technology says in blue below the detonation timer, Optimum Yield Range!


If you are under the Optimal Yield Range and then y'all'll have to keep placing Seismic Charges. If you get over y'all'll have to either take the punishment of a reduced yield, or disarm a charge and try some other Fissure. Keep in mind, when yous disarm a charge it takes 10 seconds, and renders the Crack useless. And so you merely actually go 1 try per Crack.

Finally once you lot achieve the blue Optimal Yield surface area, Go Away from the asteroid. You have the pick to Detonate Now in the Navigation Panel, which will then detonate in 10 seconds regardless of how much fourth dimension remained. If you are too close, and/or don't have sufficient shields you lot could be damaged or destroyed. 1000km seems to be a safe minimum distance.

Also, this type of mining is known to shell up your ship from hitting the big pieces of the now diddled upward asteroid. Shields are recommended, or a adept nimble transport, or Aristocracy pilot. You'll likely take to practise some maneuvering of your ship to properly line up shots with your Abrasion Equalizer to shoot off Surface Eolith chunks.

Position with Core mining seems to exist important with both ship damage and limpet efficiency. Limpets are weak drones and break easily. Endeavor to proceed line of sight with your fragments. If you see that a fragment is behind a large piece of asteroid, your limpet volition have to fight the surface of that asteroid to get to the fragment and back to yous. It is common for them to become destroyed on such a perilous journeying. Keep a line of site and they typically make information technology back okay.

Additionally, exist enlightened of what is "under you", or more specifically make certain there is nothing obstructing your cargo hatch. If yous have an asteroid slice rotating also close to your cargo hatch, or y'all unknowingly hoover just to a higher place it and all your limpets are dying, its considering they are hitting that large obstacle while trying to enter your cargo hold. Merely motility, and regain the line of sight.

Full general Rules for Seismic Charges:

Below nosotros go over some general rules for how to best match warhead strength with Cleft Strength. In full general you want to first with Low Strength Fissures, then Average, and so High. The reason for this is two-fold.

  1. Easier control over the detonation yield. Observe you lot simply have two lines that blue bars tin alive in. It is easy to go below, and go above, thus the challenge. Using Low Strengths fist fill up upwards the lower yellow bars quicker. Then you take more forgiveness using a High Strength charge for the final "fine-tuned shot" than another Low Strength, where holding simply a fleck longer than yous should will yield more detonation charge.
  2. Uses less Seismic Charges in the long run. You don't want to end up having to synthesis these, every bit they are expensive on material and you don't go many. This method will assistance preserve your charges.

Ice Mining Cleft Combinations

You have a total of eight (viii) Fissures to work with. Assuming you have at least two Low Strength Fissures, typically (only non always) effort two (2) 100% loads on seismic charges. This should exist optimal. If not so notice a High Strength Fissure and shoot at 50% or find an Average and shoot at 25%. If only another depression exists and so barely burn down.

Assuming you have one Low Strength Fissure to with, use 100% on the Low Strength Crevice, 100% on an average, and 75% on a High Strength Fissure.

Bold y'all only accept no Depression Forcefulness Fissure then it typically works out with three (iii) 100% Average Strength Fissures, or two (ii) Boilerplate Forcefulness Fissures at 100% and 1 Loftier Force at 75%.

  • Depression 100%
  • Low 100%
  • High 50%


  • Low 100%
  • Boilerplate 100%
  • Loftier 75%


  • Average 100%
  • Boilerplate 100%
  • Average 100%


  • Average 100%
  • Average 100%
  • High 75%

For Stone Mining Scissure Combinations

  • Low 100%
  • Low 100%
  • Average 50%


  • Average 100%
  • High 100%
  • Loftier 100%

These are GUIDELINES and not rules. It is irritating when two (2) 100% Low Strength Fissures is too much for case, but tin can and does happen. You'll have to disarm and retry another Fissure.

How To Use Seismic Charge Elite Dangerous,


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