Getting Galerius elected as Magistrate in The Forgotten City is a long process, simply players must exercise information technology in order to get the plaque from Duli'due south cage. It is needed to unlock the "canon" and best possible catastrophe.

How to Get Galerius Elected in The Forgotten City

Galerius at the Market in The Forgotten City

To become Galerius elected as Magistrate in The Forgotten Urban center, players must complete these 5 steps:

  1. Get Malleolus to driblet out of the election.
  2. Relieve Iulia.
  3. Salvage Ulpius.
  4. Salve Fabia.
  5. Uncover Vigil's harasser and give them medicine.

Once these five steps take been completed by players, they must tell Galerius to complete them instead in another time loop in The Forgotten Metropolis. This results in 4 of the 6 eligible voters choosing Galerius equally their new Magistrate.

Each of these 5 steps involves a fair scrap of time and effort, simply getting Galerius elected and obtaining Duli's plaque is required to go the all-time catastrophe in The Forgotten Metropolis. The remainder of this guide will detail the exact method of completing the steps with every bit few spoilers every bit possible.

How to Get Malleolus to Drop Out of the Election and Save Fabia

The Forgotten City assassin with bow

To get Malleolus to drop out of the ballot and convince Galerius to run, players must expose his hole-and-corner. Follow these steps to unearth Malleolus' hole-and-corner:

  • Stop the assassin in The Forgotten City and take the note from his trunk.
  • Bribe Domitius with 2000 Denarii to proceeds entry to Malleolus' villa.
  • Give a bottle of vino to Claudia, Malleolus' wife, to become proof of Malleolus' surreptitious.
  • Bear witness the proof to Malleolus and ask him to drop out of the election.

Once this has been accomplished once, players must get Galerius to bribe Malleolus in guild to gain Ulpius' vote, and save Fabia'due south life by dealing with the assassin. Saving Fabia's life will get her friend Georgius to vote for Galerius in the election.

How to Relieve Iulia and Ulpius in The Forgotten City

Ulpius voting for Galerius at the election

In order to save Ulpius' life and get him to vote for Galerius, players must commencement salve Iulia, and release Ulpius from Malleolus' slave debt. To save Iulia, steal the bottle of silphium resin from Desius' stall at the Market place of the ancient Roman city of The Forgotten Metropolis, and then travel through the portal to commencement a new loop.

If Malleolus has already been exposed, become Galerius to convince him to drop out of the election once a new loop has started. So quickly travel dorsum to the Shrine of Apollo and give Lucretia the silphium resin that will cure Iulia.

Next, run to Ulpius outside the Swell Temple located at the very height of the city, and convince him not to kill himself. To do this, players must have the data that Ulpius was romantically involved with the missing Sentilla, and Iulia must be saved. Either 2000 Denarii must exist provided to gratuitous Ulpius from slavery, or Malleolus must be bribed by the role player or Galerius to release Ulpius and Iulia.

Once again, information technology's important to become Galerius to save Iulia and Ulpius in a new loop to get Ulpius to vote for him.

How to Cease Vergil Existence Threatened in The Forgotten City

Virgil voting for Galerius at the election

To get Vergil's harasser to stop threatening him, players must unearth his harasser'southward identity, and then give them medicine to help with their ailment. To uncover their identity, caput to Aurelia'south tavern and explore every room. Examine all items and players will eventually discover who the harasser is.

Next, players must obtain the central to the chest in the Shrine of Apollo. This can exist achieved by getting the bow in The Forgotten City, so the Golden Bow. Or, information technology can be obtained from Naevia's breast in her quarters at the tavern.

Open the breast at the Shrine and show the medicine to Lucretia. The harasser'due south pain will be eased and can now be reasoned with to terminate harassing Vergil. Once this quest has been completed, Galerius must give the harasser the medicine in a new loop to gain their vote at the election, and Vergil'southward.

Duli dialogue screen Forgotten City

Although it is quicker to get the key from Naevia's quarters, obtaining the Aureate Bow allows players to turn algae and vines into gold in The Forgotten City. This ability is needed to go another plaque, so it's recommended to get the cardinal to the chest this fashion.

The Palace in The Forgotten Urban center is as well ane of the virtually memorable segments, and it'southward recommended to feel its creepy mystery at least once.

One time all of the above steps take been completed, ask Equita to telephone call the ballot, and Galerius will now be elected as Magistrate. He will free Duli, and players tin can finally obtain one of the 4 plaques. All this time will add to how long it takes to beat The Forgotten Urban center if players wish to get one of the best endings.

The Forgotten Urban center is out at present for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: The Forgotten Urban center'south Evolution From Skyrim Mod to Standalone Game